* The telephone relay, what is it?
The Free telephone relay service allows Freenauts with a disability (deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind and aphasic) to benefit from an interpretation service in French - French Sign Language (LSF), coding in spoken language completed ( LPC) or instant automatic transcription.
* Video-conference interpretation service
The telephone relay service is a service included in your package (limited to 3 hours per month per line (consumption monitoring in the application), during opening hours from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., excluding holidays). It allows you to contact a hearing person via a videoconference interpreter in French - French Sign Language (LSF) or via a Spoken Language Completed Coder (LPC).
* Automated interpretation service via chat
When you use instant automatic transcription, you get instant automatic transcription interpretation. For your incoming or outgoing calls, you are then put in touch with a service which will ensure communication with your correspondent / interlocutor (also deducted from the limit of 3 hours per month per line).
* Availablity
Service accessible to deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind and aphasic people, Freebox Revolution subscribers (excluding promotional offers) or Free Package subscribers at € 19.99.
3 hours of monthly communication included in the package (incoming and outgoing calls). Communications (excluding course and special issues) in mainland France, for personal use. Waiting time not counted. Minutes not consumed and cannot be carried forward.